Sicily is Italy's southernmost region, and the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. For more than 2500 years Sicily (Sicilia in Italian) has been a significant center of Mediterranean viniculture, although the reputation and style of its wines has changed significantly over that time. Blessed with consistently bright sunshine and reliably moderate rainfall, Sicily's classic Mediterranean climate is ideally suited to the production of wine grapes The warm, dry climate means that mildews and rots are kept to a minimum, particularly in well-ventilated areas which benefit from coastal breezes.
The last 20 years have seen enormous changes to the island's wine culture and, as the many international prizes won by Sicilian producers confirm, some of Italy's finest wines are now being made in Sicily. A new generation of Sicilian producers are realising the full potential of the island's enviable climate, its autochthonous grape varieties and its fertile soil.
Sicily is a wine-lover's paradise, such is the variety, complexity and abundance of Bacchus' unique gift!